Welcome to EcoHeritage Learning HUB

The place to learn about EcoMuseums and participatory heritage management.

All material contained in this website is open access and has been funded by the Erasmus Plus programme. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Welcome to the EcoHeritage training platform. On this platform you will find a set of training materials (at theoretical and practical level) and a participatory heritage management toolkit aiming to foster the creation of ecomuseums and other initiatives of participatory heritage management thus promoting economic growth and social cohesion in rural communities. Here you will acquire knowledge, skills and competencies on how to start, manage and plan an ecomuseum, the importance of its sustainability and the participatory processes enabling community engagement. With EcoHeritage you will be able to understand, plan and engage in participatory heritage management.

Transnational Report

about how ecomuseums, social museums and other practices of collaborative management represent significant shared processes of recognition, management and protection of cultural and natural heritage.

Training Modules

at theoretical and practical levels, on how to foster the creation of ecomuseums and other initiatives of participatory heritage management thus promoting economic growth and social cohesion in rural communities.

Case Studies

showing how the ecomuseums have developed strategies to face challenges such as economic difficulties, engagement of rural population, and their recognition at the legislative level, among others.

Heritage Management Toolkit

with practical hints and examples of useful tools and processes to set up an ecomuseum or similar initiatives of shared heritage management.


Supporting Organizations